Skilled Instructors

Our institute has skilled trainers for talent verification and talent development which is necessary

Online Classes

Educate yourself by taking online classes and including class videos. We want your savings

Home Projects

Step up yourself by constantly completing homework which is a hallmark of our organization

Book Library

run by one of our subsidiary organizations which help meritorious students and poor students.

About Us

Welcome to GayanerAlo

Welcome to "Gayaner Alo Educare Home" a unique institution and seek your cooperation Education is our main goal which will provide a better structure to your life and establish you as an asset to the nation and the country.

"Gayaner Alo Educare Home" to spread the light of education, which will educate you in good education.

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

International Certificate

Ofline Classes

Private Program

Training Program

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Expert Instructors

Ziaur Rahman
Principal, Senior Teacher & overall supervisors
MD. Ariful Islam
Senior Teacher
Chayan Adhikari
senior instructor & director
Sujan Chandra Ray
Senior Instructor & Professional Freelancer
Abu Hanif Islam
Senior Teacher & Assistant Director
MD. Laku Islam
Senior Teacher
Abdur Rahim Islam
Senior Teacher
Ramkrisno Roy
Senior Teacher
Partho Adhikari
Senior Teacher